Awakening Inspiration

The Saint Mary’s University community celebrated the announcement of the launching of two new physical additions to the campus called the “Sobeys Inspiration Hub” and “The Exchange”. The Sobeys Inspiration Hub will be the new home of Saint Mary’s Entrepreneurship Centre and will boast a large intercultural common, research centres, retail labs, maker spaces, project studios, and dedicated rooms for student societies.  The Exchange will be home to the Anne J. & Albert T. Isaacs Commons. The 62,000 square foot expansion, currently under construction, will bring together SMU’s 6,600+ students, professors, and researchers together with local businesses, government partners, and other external agencies. When it opens, the $43 million capital investment will provide new learning spaces and foster innovative multidisciplinary work, and an environment that is purpose-built to spark imagination, fuel innovation, and open doors to a world without limits.  

Also, to continue our efforts to elevate of Indigenous cultures and learnings, we are highlighting a ceremony to awake the SMU community drum. This powerful event was led and facilitated by Knowledge Keeper, Garrett Gloade, SMU faculty member Raymond Sewell, and Saint Mary’s University Students’ Association (SMUSA). Below are a few photos showcasing the touring of the new spaces, currently under construction, and the drum awakening ceremony.