Dr. Ather Akbari
Faculty - Economics

Dr. Ather Akbari is a Chair Atlantic Research Group on Economics of Immigration, Aging and Diversity; Coordinator MAE & PBCAE programs and a professor of economics at Saint Mary’s University. He is a labour economist with research interest in issues related to economics of immigration, who has been invited to Ottawa to present his research findings on Parliamentary Committees.. He has published in several major peer-reviewed journals on public finance and labour market impacts of immigration in Canada and has conducted many research projects for federal and provincial governments in Canada. His most recent work is entitled Immigration in Nova Scotia: Who comes, who stays, who leaves and why? His work has also attracted attention in national and international newspapers such as The Globe and Mail, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and The Economist magazine. Dr. Akbari chairs the Atlantic Research Group on Economics of Immigration, Aging and Diversity (ARGEIAD) and is also the Academic Director of the Master of Applied Economics (MAE) program at the Sobey School of Business.
Workforce Strategies, Employee Silence in Organizations, Evidence-based Management
Organizational governance, Responsible leadership, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Humanistic governance and management, social economy and cooperative perspective, sustainable development goals
Cooperative economics and governance, economic participation, sustainability indicators from the cooperative perspective
FinTech and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for Responsible Investing