Karen Miner
Managing Director and Governance Researcher for the International Centre for Co-operative Management

Karen Miner’s focus in on values-based businesses, with an emphasis on co-operative and credit unions. She is all about building networks, combined with sharing and exchanging knowledge. Karen has expertise in a wide range of areas - governance, strategy, business management, and even the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), certified director (ICD.D - Institute of Corporate Directors), and Adjunct Professor teaching about co-operative enterprise and governance at Saint Mary’s University, plus she is Managing Director and Governance Researcher for the International Centre for Co-operative Management. Finally, Karen is a seasoned board member, having served on business, non-profit, and charity Boards in organizations as varied as outdoor retail, financial services, environmental advocacy, and fair trade certification.
Workforce Strategies, Employee Silence in Organizations, Evidence-based Management
Organizational governance, Responsible leadership, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Humanistic governance and management, social economy and cooperative perspective, sustainable development goals
Cooperative economics and governance, economic participation, sustainability indicators from the cooperative perspective
FinTech and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for Responsible Investing