Dr. Claudia De Fuentes
Faculty - Management (Innovation & Technology)

Dr. Claudia De Fuentes is Associate Professor at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's University. Her research experience includes innovation in firms, systems of innovation, the creation and use of knowledge in a globalized economy, new forms of academia–industry collaboration that foster innovation, and science, technology and innovation policy.
She has done research and lectured internationally in Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Vietnam, and Peru on topics such as innovation systems, innovation policy, innovation management, global innovation, and entrepreneurship. She has supervised Master’s and PhD students on related topics.
Her work has circulated internationally and her publications have received several citations by academics and policy makers. She is editor of one book, author or co-author of over ten book chapters, and author or co-author of over 14 articles in refereed journals such as Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, Long Range Planning, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Innovation and Development, and International Journal of Institutions and Economies.
She has presented over 30 pieces of her work at international conferences such as GLOBELICS, DRUID, Triple Helix, Atlanta conference, ALTEC, CCSBE, and MEIDE. Her work can also be reached at open access in working paper series at the IADB, CIRCLE, and Universidad de la Republica. She has collaborated in international research groups to work on different projects financed by SSHRC (Canada), CONACYT (Mexico), IADB, IDRC, SMU, and the EU. She has worked on contractual consultancy and research projects for the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) on impact assessment, for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) on innovation in the services sector, for the Foro consultivo científico y tecnológico (FCCT) in Mexico on science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, and for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on Innovation for Inclusive Development.
Workforce Strategies, Employee Silence in Organizations, Evidence-based Management
Organizational governance, Responsible leadership, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Humanistic governance and management, social economy and cooperative perspective, sustainable development goals
Cooperative economics and governance, economic participation, sustainability indicators from the cooperative perspective
FinTech and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for Responsible Investing