Dr. Margaret McKee
Faculty - management

After a 20-year career in public relations and corporate communications, Margaret completed a PhD and joined Saint Mary’s in 2009 as a full-time faculty member. She is the Associate Dean, Undergraduate and Professional Graduate Programs, and teaches business ethics to undergraduates, and responsible leadership and governance to MBA and EMBA students.
She is also the Academic Director for the Halifax Directors Education Program (DEP), offered in partnership with ICD and the Rotman School of Management. She was recently elected to the Board of Governors for Saint Mary’s University, and is also a member of the Executive Committee for the ICD Maritime Chapter. She is a member of the board for the Centre for Leadership Excellence at Saint Mary’s, and served two terms on the board of directors for the Better Business Bureau – Atlantic Provinces, and Chaired the Governance Committee. She completed the ICD-Rotman Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials Program (GEP), and the DEP, earning her ICD.D designation in 2016.
Workforce Strategies, Employee Silence in Organizations, Evidence-based Management
Organizational governance, Responsible leadership, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Humanistic governance and management, social economy and cooperative perspective, sustainable development goals
Cooperative economics and governance, economic participation, sustainability indicators from the cooperative perspective
FinTech and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for Responsible Investing